Something quick and simple. To spread the word about the website, I have created a Telegram channel. At the moment it will be a reflection of this website, but who knows, with time it may become a forum for discussion of techniques and conversations about industrial Cybersecurity. The link is clicking on... Read more
Information security, computer security and cybersecurity
The information we handle personally is more important than it seems. We have to protect it just like our bank details or our home.
Privacy, security and digital identity.
In these times it is increasingly difficult to be protected and/or be aware of what happens to our data. The large “Big Data” companies are aware of this. And the bombardment is such that many times we leave the defense active, either due to fatigue or ignorance. It is logical that fatigue arrives, … Read more
At what point am I?
Currently, my preparation comes from when I took a Cybersecurity Specialist Technician course at the University of León. As soon as I finished it, I did a specialization with the company HackBySecurity in offensive tactics. Within the course I saw the option of entering the industrial world within cybersecurity, and through… Read more