Ibai Case

As many of you already know, because it has been published in almost all types of media, the channel of the YouTuber and streamer Ibai was hacked. A channel with 10M subscribers. It has not been the only one, but it has been one of the most representative in the Spanish-speaking world. The channel once hacked, they were all made private… Read more

Ministry of Defense channel for internal complaints.

Recently the Ministry of Defense has created an internal channel for complaints and information. In such a way that whistleblowers, especially if they are in the organization, do not see their safety compromised and suffer possible retaliation or harassment. When I read such news, the truth is that I was skeptical when they said it would be a safe channel, and… Read more

Shared VPN

Have you ever used your shared connection on your smartphone and used a VPN on it, and thought that the rest of your devices were protected? Well no, and let's see why. As we well know, or should, a VPN largely protects our connection. Many organizations use this type of connection for the… Read more
